Jewish World Watch featured in Newsweek

You are likely reading this email on a device made with Uyghur forced labor in the Xinjiang region of China. I am not saying this to shame you – unfortunately, virtually everyone in the United States owns tainted products.

That is why Jewish World Watch and supporters like you fought so hard to pass the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act last year. The law, which went into enforcement on June 21, is designed to save the Uyghur people from slavery and protect American consumers from being unknowingly complicit in the Chinese Communist Party’s genocide.

It is also why we launched the Uyghur Forced Labor Database – the most extensive tracker of its kind to date. The tool is designed to help patrons and elected officials understand the pervasive nature of the CCP’s crimes and inspire action.

In his column for Newsweek, Gordon G. Chang highlighted the Uyghur Forced Labor Database and discussed corporate complicity in the Uyghur genocide.

“The Database,” Jewish World Watch Executive Director Serena Oberstein said for the column, “stunningly illustrates how China is tainting global supply chains, especially those in the green-energy sector.”

Earlier this week, the Database was also featured on Al Jazeera’s daily TV show The Stream during a lengthy discussion on Uyghur forced labor.

Please help us continue to do this work by supporting efforts like these today with a donation.

I hope you will read today’s pieceexplore the database, and share both widely. To end the Uyghur genocide, we must collectively ensure that the world knows what is happening to millions of people throughout China.

Thank you for your ongoing support.