“A Much Anticipated Voyage” — Ada Horwich

It’s a few days before I leave for a much anticipated voyage. Although I have experienced a great deal for a West Los Angeles woman – Peace Corps in the 60s, social worker in the 70s, 80s and 90s, and Ethiopia, India and the former Soviet Union – I know this trip to Congo and Rwanda will be like no other. Genocide has been experienced by my people, the Jews, in the 30s and 40s. As a Jew I am drawn to understand, and perhaps help, other victims of such unexplained and unfathomable cruelty.

I want to know.
I want those who know me to learn.
I want my children and grandchildren never to forget.

On Sunday May 25, 2014, Ada Horwich will be leaving for a 10 day trip to central Africa, led by JWW Co-Founder and President Janice Kamenir-Reznik and JWW Assistant Director Naama Haviv. This post also appears in The Jewish World Watch Blog: One Life at a Time, hosted on the Jewish Journal’s website.