OUR APPROACH what we do

Jewish World Watch was founded on three distinct principles: that we must educate ourselves, raise our collective voices, and refuse to stand idly by while atrocities take place. The principles have formed the foundation for the three pillars to our work.

our 3 pillars


Ending genocide and mass atrocities is bound to the understanding and galvanization of our local and international communities. JWW’s programs, events, and materials are specially curated for each target audience to best reach and inspire people to make a difference. Among our many efforts, we invest heavily in youth education to ensure that the lessons learned from the Holocaust are not forgotten and to empower the next generation to discover the relevancy of that history today. Our educational opportunities teach members of our community and beyond how to become exemplary leaders who embrace their obligations within our increasingly interconnected world.


JWW cultivates relationships with legislators and policymakers to drive substantial policy changes to aid the U.S. government in preventing and responding to genocide and mass atrocities. We train our community in advocacy best practices and compel them to take action. Throughout the year, we encourage our constituency to engage directly with their representatives on poignant legislation and policy matters.


In addition to creating and supporting impactful local programs that galvanize communities to make change, JWW funds projects that directly support and build resilience within conflict-affected communities. JWW’s empowerment projects support more than 500,000 survivors of genocide and mass atrocities.