take action today
Help Stop Ethnic Violence in Sudan
The world’s largest displacement crisis and famine is unfolding right now in Sudan. This conflict has already killed some 150,000 people and displaced more than 10 million, including 1.8 million who have fled to neighboring countries. Mass killings and sexual violence are rampant, carried out primarily by Arab militiamen against African ethnic groups.
Urge the US government to increase humanitarian aid, sanction perpetrators, and hold accountable those who violate the current arms embargo, including US allies like the United Arab Emirates.

Support Rohingya human rights
Help end the brutal campaign of hatred
The Untied States has formally determined the Myanmar military’s actions against the Rohingya constituted genocide. We must step up for the Rohingya and Burmese people to fight against the genocidal military regime that overthrew the country’s Democratically elected government this February. Those who seized power have a history of persecution resulting in the suffering, death, and displacement of over one million Rohingya.
Please take action now and demand your Member of Congress to cosponsor the BURMA Act of 2021 today.

Support the people of Tigray
Urge your elected officials to pass peace-promoting legislation
The ongoing violence, the use of rape and starvation as a tool of war, and the countless other accusations of atrocities that rise to the levels of crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing impose a need for a robust and swift intervention by the United States and the international community.
In Tigray alone, 5.2 million men, women and children are critically food insecure. Most of them lack access to humanitarian support.
There is legislation in the House and Senate that would address this crisis head on. Contact your elected official today.
More Actions

COVID-19 International Response and Recovery Act
also known as CIRRA (S. 3669)
In early May, top Senate Democrats introduced sweeping comprehensive legislation to provide an additional $9 billion in funding to help support international efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 International Response and Recovery Act, also known as CIRRA (S. 3669), aims at compelling the Trump Administration to constructively engage with other countries, international organizations, and multilateral fora to not only halt the spread of COVID-19, but also ensure that key rights are protected throughout the global response.
In essence, the bill mandates that the United States continue to look outward in the face of a pandemic that has caused most countries to turn almost completely inward and to ignore the world’s most vulnerable in the process. read more