ICAN, JWW, ANCA-WR inaugurate the Armenian Jewish Advisory Council (AJAC)

The Israeli American Civic Action Network (ICAN), Jewish World Watch (JWW), and the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR) today inaugurated the Armenian Jewish Advisory Council – AJAC (pronounced “a-jack”) as means to institutionalize relations between the Armenian and Jewish communities throughout the U.S., united by shared values, historical experiences, and a…

Jewish Insider: Jewish groups hear echoes of Hitler’s Games in run-up to 2022 Beijing Olympics

Before the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany, the International Olympics Committee, aware of the rising tensions, pressured the German government and received assurances that the Nazi regime would not use the Games to promote their ideologies. A few Jewish athletes and Jewish groups called on the United States to boycott, and while some other groups…

Your support ensures the release of child soldiers in the DRC

To celebrate World Day Against Child Labor (June 12), I’d like to highlight the incredible work supporters like you make possible in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Our empowerment programs aim to minimize children’s use in armed groups and reduce their exploitation in mining sites through negotiated release from militias, educational access and psychosocial support.…