Violence spikes in Darfur: genocide survivors and Sudan’s transition at risk

UPDATE – July 30, 2020 – Jewish World Watch’s fears of mounting atrocities in Darfur have been realized.  Just days after publication, on July 25, more than 60 people were reportedly killed and approximately 60 injured during an armed attack in West Darfur.  On the same day, attackers killed at least 20 in South Darfur, including children.  This is…

Call Myanmar’s crimes against Rohingya by their rightful name: Genocide

Nearly three years after unconscionable atrocities were unleashed upon the Rohingya of Myanmar by their country’s military and security forces, the United States still has not called the crimes perpetrated against this ethnoreligious minority group by their rightful name: Genocide. Jewish World Watch, in coalition with 57 other human rights organizations, sent a petition on July…